Thursday, August 27, 2009
oh wont you carry me home
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Say your goodbyes, and fade to black.

" i don't care, where your gonna be next year, i don't care if your crazy, god, i just know i wanna be with you, i don't understand what your doing, it seems so pointless i mean everything, it just seems pointless, but when i'm with you its different, i don't know why"

So basically, I've fallen in love with the movie "Keith". It's captivating, impulsive, romantic, cheesy and everything I love in a movie :). Plus JESSE MCCARTNEY <3. I highly reccomend it.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
a words just a word till you mean what you say
Date: before 12th century
1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy
You are honestly everything.
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a movie
She's I can't find a thing to wear
Now and then she's moody
She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown hair a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her,
I go on and on and on'
Cause she's everything to me
She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on Sunday
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy
She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
Of my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and prayin
She's the answer to my prayer
And she's the song that I'm playing
She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for
And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me
Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Brad Paisley - Everything To Me
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
After all, you're my wonderwall.
Wacky Wednesday :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How did you get here, under my skin.
T-Ellie Tuesday, 'cause I'm a rebel ;D
Monday, August 10, 2009
Just some pictures :)
Man Monday :)

Your so vain, you think this blog is about you!
So really, I don't believe that it's vain that I would put up pictures of myself(: It's my blog. It clearly states it's freelance, well in less words. Articles & Rants & Reviews & Randoms. I just kind of feel if any ones reading this who doesn't personally know me, they should get to see who's writing. Also, I'd like to say if I find anything I have written online I will be very disappointed. I think stealing others writing is very low. Pictures however, take them. I've mostly taken them from google, if not, i've credited. Also videos - I have credited their rightful owners. :) Anyways todays, or for nows entry is solely about me. :) I'll start by saying a few things. I like tv, I watch it alot. My fav shows are Degrassi, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly place, Icarly, Jonas, Sonny with a chance. I'm awesome, I know. I like music. But I can't get into that. 'Cause I like to much, a few artists I enjoy though, would be The morning of, Demi Lovato, Hannah Montana, Nirvana, David Archuleta, Taylor Swift, The Spill Canvas, The Rocket Summer. Lots of things. Movies I really like are Harry Potter(All), Raise your voice, What a girl wants, Orphan, Milk, Dead man walking, Lord of the flies and more related things. I like school, I want to be a freelance journalist or a dentist. OR BOTH (: I like my school. I like communications technology. I'm going into grade eleven. The only class I've taken & continued by my own free will is Tech. I'm freeaking nervous for Grade Eleven College Prep Mathematics. I'm really badly at it. I'm worried I wont do well. But I just need to pass it. And I'm done math. I love english. But I guess thats enough to bore you. <3
Sunday, August 9, 2009
On friends and happiness.

Ballet Shoes; A review.

Saturday, August 8, 2009
" I could write a song about all the random crap I find in my room, but I wont, 'cause that would be a really stupid song! "
Friday, August 7, 2009
Daring, Exciting, Intense are just some words you could use to describe " The Lovely Bones "
Now the movie trailer
By the looks of this trailer, its quite like I expected, a lot of the charecters look correct. Unfortunatly the only one I'm not excited about is Mr Harvey. The main point. The heaven looks fairly incorrect, but It still looks really amazing, despite the fail of how I intended. I thought it would look like a big field. With a gazebo on one end. A bishop-looking school on the right side, from where I was thinking. And then I, or whoever the heaven belonged to. Behind me , or Susie, a Big tree which they talk about in the book. Which you should go read.
Have a great day :)
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tales of bats, sickness & freakouts.
Is it a good idea to microwave Hannah Montana?
I happened upon this lovely video, whilst watching my new fav youtube channel " Jpizzle1122 " , All credit goes to them. They decided to microwave a Hannah Montana pen. KUDOS :D