All good things I would relate with friendship and happiness. The pictures above are things I like to think show both. With friendship comes a bond that nobody can break too easily. Though, people try and succeed. But true friendship always comes back together. With true friendship I believe comes true happiness, and having that can easily escalade to succsess later in life. If you have good friends to back you up in your elder age, or even middle-age, hell even in your twenties. You'll have the support and love you need to be happy and do well in your everyday life. Friendship can come in a million and one ways. Often you don't recognize it. It can come as soon as your born. The strongest friendships I've encountered were chance meetings, and friends of those I met in kindergarten. To lamely quote High School Musical, " Do you remember in kindergarten,how you'd meet a kid, and know nothing about them, then 10 seconds later you'd be playing like you were best friends, because you didn't have to be anything but yourself? " That's basically the best time to initiate friendships. You can be whatever you want, but most times you end up just being you. We need more of that in the world. To restate my point of my title, and this blog. With true friendship comes true happiness, and if you're truly happy you have the complete power to become incredibly succsessful.
The title is one of my favorite quotes. It comes from S.Darko, not the best movie. But the quote is amazing. We all know the meaning of perfect, the definition of Immaculate is: 1. Impeccably clean; spotless. 2. Free from stain or blemish; pure. 3. Free from fault or error. Now I'm not saying my blog is perfect, or even close. I just like the quote, :)It just seemed like a great title.
I'm Katie! I have brunette curly hair, I love it alot. Beaming bright blue eyes. I goto school, I love my school. Its a public school, though has exceptional funding.
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