I know I've already posted today! But I'd like to try something new. Days of the week treats. 'Cus I was reading a friends blog and there was a link " Man Candy Monday " So I decided this week I'll do something for each day of the week, today its MAN MONDAY :)Today, to go with the " M " think Marvin " Mouth " Mcfadden, or Lee Norris as reality goes. He's funny, compassionate, kind, cute, talented and fantastic. I'm perfectly aware Mouth is a charecter on One Tree Hill. But Lee Norris is a fantastic actor! Anyone remember him as " Stuart Minkus "! Dork you have to love. Here's a quote from his Minkus days.
(1998)[Graduation week, Topanga walks up to Cory and Shawn in the hallway]
Topanga: I finished my valedictorian speech. You guys wanna hear it?
Stuart Minkus: Oh? What makes you so sure you're valedictorian, little missy?
Topanga: Cause I'm Topanga.
Stuart Minkus: Well, I'm Minkus, and last time I checked, I had 699 As, which by my count, is that same number as you.
Cory: You counted As? What kind of sick person would count As?
[Topanga looks at him]
Cory: Oh.
Topanga: I'll tell you what to do, Stuart. You can go get Feeny's gradebook and count them AGAIN.
Stuart Minkus: You did something, didn't you? [to Cory]
Stuart Minkus: She did something, didn't she?
Cory: Take it easy, Minkus. You never had a chance.
Stuart Minkus: Oh, she's an evil little girl, Cory. She's an evil little girl.
Cory: Yeah, but every time I kiss her, it don't care
That may be the best lines ever spoken on Boy Meets World, I loved him. Three Cheers for Norris : )

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